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Welnet™ Filtration Netting

At Welwater, we take pride in crafting our Welnet™ using premium plastic resins including polypropylene, high-density polyethylene (HDPE), low-density polyethylene (LDPE), or custom blends thereof. This commitment to quality materials ensures exceptional performance.

Welnet™ samples booklet.

Welnet™ samples booklet.

A Range of Sizes and Specifications

We manufacture a range of sizes, specifications, and blends, based on client needs. We are partnered with trusted mould suppliers to quickly and effectively create new moulds in order to produce spacer netting which our clients need but we don’t currently offer. Reach out to us to learn more!

An example of our 31 mil Welnet™ netting

An example of our 31 mil Welnet™ netting

A Focus on Precision and Quality

Our team’s experience and expertise, as well as our commitment to continual growth and development, have resulted in a product we are very proud of. Our mission is to provide a level of service, reliability, and quality that makes life easier for our clients and supports them in their own business and performance goals.


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Welwater holds both the NSF std 58 and NSF std 61 certifications for quality.

Additionally, our facilities have achieved the ISO 9001:2008 certification.