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About Us

We're a Family Business, with Multiple Parts, Talents, and Capabilities

The Welwater booth at the 2018 Shanghai International Water Exhibition.

The Welwater booth at the Shanghai International Water Exhibition.

Welwater (China)

Founded in 2014, Welwater emerged from a decade of experience in the water filtration industry with a clear vision: to be a global leader and a trusted partner in business growth. Through the strategic development of custom production equipment, we deliver high-quality spacer netting at a cost advantage over competitors. Furthermore, our strategic location within an industry hub empowers us to efficiently source additional components for reverse osmosis filters, strengthening our commitment to comprehensive solutions for our valued clients worldwide.


Welwater (United States), formerly the California Trade Company

Welwater USA, formerly the California Trade Company, is the North American extension of Welwater China created to better serve and support our valued clients within the United States. Kevin Wang, a Welwater founder, attended the wedding in 2015 of his niece Jani Wang and her husband Chris McConnell, where his daughter was their flower girl. Subsequently, Kevin approached them with the idea of helping establish a physical presence in the United States, aiming to provide the exceptional level of customer service that our clients truly deserve, which they enthusiastically accepted.

The US team during their first visit to meet the Welwater team in Suzhou, China.

The US team during their first visit to meet the Welwater team in Suzhou, China.


Please let us know if you would like to learn more. We are here to help!

Michael Xu (left), and our uncle Kevin Wang (right) from the Welwater, China team, and Chris McConnell (middle) from the Welwater, US team.

Michael Xu (left), and our uncle Kevin Wang (right) from the Welwater, China team, and Chris McConnell (middle) from the Welwater, USA team.



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Welwater holds both the NSF std 58 and NSF std 61 certifications for quality.

Additionally, our facilities have achieved the ISO 9001:2015 certification.